Firstly, what is real estate?
Real estate generally means real properties, real assets, properties such as houses, lands, fixtures, and other natural features existing on lands.
Real estate transactions on the other hand connotes transactions or businesses relating to intangible properties such as lands, houses, fixtures, and other things permanently attached to lands.
Thus if you own a land whether your land is half plot, full plot, acres of land (combination of 6 plots will give you 1 acre), hectares of land (a combination of 1 acre of land will give us 1 hectares), etc, then we can say you possesses real estate or intangible property which by virtue of the 1999 Constitution you have the right to own.
However, there are various transactions involve in owing or having real estate or immovable property. Among these are:
1. Buying/renting/leasing/giving lands or houses;
2. Documenting the transaction under no 1 above/securing good title to lands, houses;
3. Perfecting the documents such as by registration at the Lands Bureau/Lands Registry;
4. Final execution of the sales, acquisition, gifts, etc
These stages will be examined one after the other, as we progress.
For now, if you have any question(s) concerning any issue pertaining to lands or properties,
Please contact:
Samuel Adegbola Esq.